
Part 3-Studio

Part 2-Nature

Recent stuff...part 1

A trip to the park as part of an assignment in appeture from my mentor.


Finally caught up...

These were taken Sunday on our trip to the pumpkin patch. I tried stepping outside my box for the last two.

A little bit of color

I feel like I have been doing everything in black and white lately, so here is proof that I like color too.


A few more from last week's adventure

I finally got around to resizing the last of the images from our shoot last Wednesday. I decided to keep them all black and white because it was easier than editing out her red, splotchy face from allergies.


From last weekend

These were taken last weekend for an assignment from my mentoring group. (Side Note: How lucky am I to have Erin Bell as a mentor!?!)

Here are a few of my favorites from that session.


Afternoon adventure

The sick little princess and I headed out on an adventure yesterday and hit up several different locations. These are a few of the shots from the last stop of the day. I tried an action of mine on these to give them a warm, hazy beach feel.

About Me

My photo
I am a photographer specializing in on-location children's and family photography. I have 3 children of my own, and know the importance of capturing kids in their own element.

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